Frequently Asked Questions
How Does it Work?
Hair must be cut about an inch and a half from the scalp, preferably closest to the nape of the neck (no plucking is necessary) and placed into the paper enveloped, sealed and mailed to the lab for testing.
Nails or pubic hair is an alternative if scalp hair is not available, yet not recommended as pubic hair typically contains higher amounts of phosphorus which can falsely impact ratios within the test.
Can I test even if I highlight or color my hair?
Yes! It is best to wait at least 6 weeks and use the hair that has grown out or the underneath of the hair if it has not been colored.
Can I use the extra hair from my brush?
This is not recommended as it is an unsure way to tell what strand of hair is coming from the scalp or how old it is.
What about using other body hair?
Again, this is not recommended as the best results come from the hair from the scalp as it is shows more accurate levels of your mineral status. Pubic hair or fingernails are an option if scalp hair is not obtainable.