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Detoxification is an important biochemical function of the human body. The liver is an essential organ that performs over 500 functions within the body. Removing waste, foreign substances from the bloodstream, regulates blood sugar levels and amino acids, stores vitamins and minerals such as A, D, E, K, B12, iron, and copper, regulates blood clotting, and the liver produces bile which helps digest fats and eliminate waste, just to name a few! 


Let’s look at an example: Hormonal birth control is considered a toxin which means that the liver has to work to get rid of those toxins which can cause stress to the liver. Birth control depletes vital nutrients needed to assist the liver in detoxification. If the liver is not functioning properly to detox toxins, it can become congested leading to weight gain and other nasty symptoms (are we surprised that many women experience weight gain after being on the pill for several months?) Environmental toxins need to be considered as well. Are you eating an inflammatory diet? Using toxic cleaners/laundry detergent or cosmetics? Are you a smoker/vaper? 


Detox is important to a healthy and happy body, especially if heavy metals are present or copper toxicity. Many people feel what are called “die off” symptoms because their livers aren’t functioning properly to eliminate those toxins. If phase 3 is not working correctly, toxins can be released through the bloodstream, recirculated, and reabsorbed in other soft tissues (such as the brain), further causing discomfort and mental issues. For example, many people jump onto doing a detox without considering how important bowel movements are. Many are constipated and do not have regular bowel movements daily, causing nasty “die off” symptoms and possible reabsorption into other soft tissues of the body. 


Phases of Detoxification: 

Phase 1: Begins in the liver, enzymes break down fatty toxins

Phase 2: Conjugation - toxins bind to make them water soluble to be excreted. 

Phase 3: Elimination through bile (stool), skin (sweat), or kidneys (urine). 

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